The greatest 4 word sentence in the English lanuage

True. I like that last one. Its just if I wanted to tattoo something to cheer me up when depressed, I wouldnt want it to be possible to interpret in mostly negative ways. Id rather want a tattoo saying something like 'keep on rocking in the free world', you know..

I hear you bro

But for those that have moods that swing from one extreme to another, it's pretty profound, I mean, I have gained inspiration from it, when I always think nothing can go wrong, it does and when everything seems shit, it doesn't


This too will pass

Neer a truer word spoken in jest
You have to keep thinking positive, something going 'wrong' is the universe's way of teaching you something or giving you a challenge to keep you from getting bored.


I actually have the opposite reaction. I find that I have to manufacture a pessimistic perspective in order to have any motivation. when I expect that I'm going to do poorly on something I work much harder. If I honestly believe that things will turn out alright, I can't get myself to do a damned thing. this seems completely logical to me, but I've heard a lot of people express the opposite responses to optimism/pessimism.

I can't remember why I went off on that. weird.
when I expect that I'm going to do poorly on something I work much harder. If I honestly believe that things will turn out alright, I can't get myself to do a damned thing.

There's nothing wrong with that, you are not looking at it in a negative light and the outcomes in both situations are positive.

It somehow reminds me of the saying, if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.
