The guy who wrote this played on the last Morbid Angel album

Pure Holocaust>all

I was gonna answer the post above with a big old SACRILEGE! but yes, this. Immortal haven't done better before or since. The new stuff sounds like dumb arena heavy metal to me. You might like it better than the old stuff (well, Pure Holocaust, and to a lesser extent Diabolical Full Moon Mysticism and Battles in the North), but good black metal it definitely ain't. Shit it ain't Black Metal to begin with.
More than once, less than 5 times :lol: I suppose I wouldn't really call myself a "fan" of black metal though, since most of the genre-defying stuff is too raw and noisy for me (really the only old BM I can listen to is Emperor and Dissection)
I do like the music on Natten Madrigal, but it's tough to listen to, moreso on cans. I was evenutally gonna try and cover one of those songs and do it with normal production, at least as well as I can do it.

I also must say I like Supervillian Outcast from DHG quite a bit. It's off the wall but still very crazy hah
I do like the music on Natten Madrigal, but it's tough to listen to, moreso on cans. I was evenutally gonna try and cover one of those songs and do it with normal production, at least as well as I can do it.

I also must say I like Supervillian Outcast from DHG quite a bit. It's off the wall but still very crazy hah

Nattens Madrigal on cans...yeahhh, not a great idea hehe. I do it all the time but it isn't really pleasant. When you get drunk it matters less. MOAR METUL ZONE ARRGH.

I'm really disappointed they never went ahead and re-recorded the entire album with a symphonic orchestra like they were saying they would for a while. I bet it would sound pretty intense. Apparently something between them and Century Media...

DHG just rub me the wrong way. Yeah there's great riffs but it's way too circus-y for me. At least by a band that did Kronet til Konge/Monumental Possession. Well it's only one guy really. Another band that like Ulver never did the same thing on two albums. Well, until they started doing this "progressive" thing on 666 International.

I have no beef with new Immortal but it's pretty generic stadium Metal to my ears. Like a really heavy Manowar or something. I think At the Heart of Winter was the strongest of their later material, I sure would go see 'em live, but I don't know if I would buy a disc tbh. Regardless, I think Pure Holocaust has a way better production than Emperor's Anthems. Yes it's a ways more abrasive but at least nothing is buried in mud and every instrument is reasonably audible. Funnily enough all those (De Mysteriis included) are same studio/same producer. And yet they all sound wildly different, if nothing, that's quite an achievement in my books.