The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

I was hoping that they would pick something new as the first single but ahhh that's understandable.

What's the most interesting about this would be how it sounds production-wise, would definitely like something a bit more... meaty, more full-sounding than Days of the Lost.
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Kind of bummed out it’s one of the two songs they’ve played live, as I was hoping for a brand new song. Yet I won’t complain because it’s new THE and I’m curious to hear what the production/mixing will be like on the new album. Also, it’s coming very soon which is a big plus. What’s going to really suck is when Become Surrender is the second single lol
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I enjoyed Become Surrender a lot more than either of the two singles we’ve gotten recently. I’m absolutely terrified for the studio treatment there, but I’m still sure I’ll at least like it.
I actually did too, and I would rather they chose it instead if they were going to go with one of the two they've played live. Mostly it was just poking fun that they're going to make us wait until the album release to actually hear something 'new.'

It's probably going to go:

November: The Defiant One
December: Become Surrender
January: Upon an Oaken Throne (In Flames cover)

...I wish.
At this point, I don't want anything new. I want anything good. IF have been doing something new since they've released R2R and the only recognizable thing about the band these days is that every album sounds different from the previous ones. I prefer repetition with a soul than soulless innovations.

So, even if they release an album with the same exact sound as the previous one, as long as the songs are good I'm going to be ok with it.
I'd like a slight difference on the next album. DotL was awesome but didn't have that 90s touch I was hoping for. I really love 90s MDM and would love to hear a bit more of that in their sound. Niclas is certainly capable of getting the groove right, and it just needs Jesper to sprinkle some Swedish folk magic on top.

They've already nailed the 00s sound and I'm sure there will be plenty more of that.
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I’m not gonna hold out hope that they’ll return to a 90s Melodeath sound, but I would like them to expand on their sound to have some more varied and/or progressive tracks. Gateways was a nice start, but even then it was just a start to me.

I know they won’t make a bad or even just good album, but I do want to see them go a bit more above and beyond. The three songs that have already been revealed don’t give me too much hope for that though.
I don't care if they experiment or not and I don't feel like they should be doing 90's IF sound. To me, this is straight melodeath without pretentions. Just people making good songs. At this point, that's enough. I have had enough of bad music for the past two decades. So, even if they release a continuation to dotl with the same exact sound I will be 100% ok with it. I just expect songs that I can enjoy.
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Well. The song is definitely different from the previous album. More midtempo, or even slower. A melancholic piece. The sound is also better. More... a punch in the face.
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Only got to listen to a snippet of it since it isn’t out in the US yet, but just the bit I heard of the studio version did so much more for me than the live version ever did, and I’m so happy about that. I’m a lot more excited for the single now than I was before.
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The mix is definitely punchier, which is nice. I like it more than I thought I would, because I wasn't very impressed with the live recordings of it. It's a solid first single. All of that said, I hope the rest of the album is a bit stronger.
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Only got to listen to a snippet of it since it isn’t out in the US yet, but just the bit I heard of the studio version did so much more for me than the live version ever did, and I’m so happy about that. I’m a lot more excited for the single now than I was before.
For this, I use the Tor browser and set my location to Australia. It works fine.
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Nice song, although doesn't seem that much different from DotL stuff to my ears.
I was hoping we'd get a low growl on the studio version like Mikael did live here at 3:16

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Not great, not terrible.

Lacks some musical content and vocal lines are lifted straight from various DT songs.

Sounds a bit like a DotL leftover.
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First impression, I like it a lot. Much more than the live recordings. It reminds me of a Fiction-era DT track injected with melodic steroids. Exactly the kind of metal I enjoy. Can't wait to hear more.
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This also sounds a thousand times better to me than anything on Foregone, even the supposed back to da roootz tracks.
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The song is yet available to download at the coreradio site. The FLAC version shows a lot of details that are missing in the youtube version. I love how massive it is the sound.
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