The Hearthstone Thread

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So Shudderwock Shaman is stupid. Fun deck to play, but miserable to play against. Not in the sense of "Man, they hit their 4th Ice Block off of random effects," but due to being able to have such an inordinate amount of time spent replaying the battlecries.
I haven't faced Shudderwock yet. My experience so far is:
  • the only new cards which help Cubelock are Ratcatcher and Lord Godfrey (but I'm not ready to craft them)
  • Genn Greymane gives Paladins tons of recruits
  • Baku gives Warriors tons of armor
I thought a weaker Spiteful Priest would help me gain ranks in the early stage of this release, but I'm getting owned by other classes' new cards right off the bat.
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My Spiteful Priest deck is still going strong. I'm trying out that card that functions as everything and a few other new cards but it needs some tweaking.

I also pulled the 3 best legendaries when I opened my packs. Shudderwock, Chameleos, and Countess Ashmore. I think I might try and make a lit Spiteful Druid deck with Ashmore, Kele, and Malfurion.
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Paladin is probably going to be the uncontested champions of this expansion. Both odd and even variants are just unstoppable aggro machines.

I'm enjoying combo priest still, though it definitely has taken a hit without the dragons. Love having a relatively cheap 8 health minion again in priest. I've loved the deck, but the wild variant was so much more fun to play due to out of nowhere wins from sticking a Deathlord. Quartz Elemental (despite the 'no attacking if damaged' drawback) gives the deck that.

So what it loses in consistency, it gains back in explosiveness.
Booted up the new expansion and found that my only deck that is still in standard is my Rogue Prince Keleseth deck. Changed that deck up a bit with the free packs and have had some pretty good success. That Shudderwock deck is complete cancer though. What were they thinking?
It shouldn't get nerfed really. It just needs a fix to the animations.

Which means it will get nerfed.

The deck feasts on control, but is punished by aggro decks super hard. Odd Paladin crushes it (tho as I play it more it feels like it crushes everything.)

Still trying to figure out how I want to play mage this expansion.
I made an Odd Paladin deck since I basically had everything already. Felt weird recrafting Corridor Creeper but it works. However, I have a hard fucking time winning with it. It's supposed to be one of the best decks out there but I lost like 6 in a row. Not sure if I was fucking up or what.
I understand why the deck runs Corridor Creeper, but I like the versions without it enough to not bother with crafting it again. The deck is insane though. I've won with it through 4-5 different board wipes.

Just constantly rebuild your board.

What decks are you losing to?
I made an Odd Paladin deck since I basically had everything already. Felt weird recrafting Corridor Creeper but it works. However, I have a hard fucking time winning with it. It's supposed to be one of the best decks out there but I lost like 6 in a row. Not sure if I was fucking up or what.
Yeah you're probably not playing it right.

I finally faced Shudderwock tonight, and won. It's an annoying card but I doubt they need to nerf it. Shaman's still mediocre.

Paladin is probably going to be the uncontested champions of this expansion.


I've beaten Paladin more often than not with Cubelock since matching my deck to the meta leader. Cubelock runs more taunt minions now to slow the aggro.

I love playing Lord Godfrey - sick board clear.
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Where is that data from? hsreplay with 14 million games reported has the deck below both even and odd paladin as well as spiteful druid.

Cubelock does have a good matchup against both paladin decks though. Any deck with reach like tempo mage and odd hunter does quite well against the deck though.

I checked out HSReplay. They do have a much bigger sample size, although Metastats breaks out the data in more useful ways, like multiple time periods and individual deck lists. The meta was very unstable in the first couple days after the Witchwood release, so I prefer Metastats' 4-day view.
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