- Aug 31, 2003
- 2,983
- 25
- 48
<Gx3k> hahaha
* Gx3k is now playing: God Forbid - Gone Forever
<Gx3k> great band
* MHFixxxer has quit IRC (ircd.choopa.net irc.colosolutions.net)
<Gx3k> YES, i finally figured out how to download in the mIRC chatrooms
* Gx3k is pleased
* NoLordy has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* D_Lioness has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* AnViL- has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Squeegstr has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Noumenon has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* deadamish has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* ct_thrash has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Majestik has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* deadamish has joined #nevermore
* ct_thrash has joined #nevermore
* NoLordy has joined #nevermore
* Squeegstr has joined #nevermore
* Majestik has joined #nevermore
* D_Lioness has joined #nevermore
* Noumenon has joined #nevermore
* hub.dk sets mode: +oooo Squeegstr Majestik D_Lioness Noumenon
* AnViL- has joined #nevermore
* hub.dk sets mode: +o AnViL-
<Gx3k> the fuck happened there?
* NoLordy has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* D_Lioness has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* AnViL- has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Squeegstr has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Noumenon has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* deadamish has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* ct_thrash has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Majestik has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)

* Gx3k is now playing: God Forbid - Gone Forever
<Gx3k> great band
* MHFixxxer has quit IRC (ircd.choopa.net irc.colosolutions.net)
<Gx3k> YES, i finally figured out how to download in the mIRC chatrooms
* Gx3k is pleased
* NoLordy has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* D_Lioness has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* AnViL- has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Squeegstr has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Noumenon has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* deadamish has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* ct_thrash has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Majestik has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* deadamish has joined #nevermore
* ct_thrash has joined #nevermore
* NoLordy has joined #nevermore
* Squeegstr has joined #nevermore
* Majestik has joined #nevermore
* D_Lioness has joined #nevermore
* Noumenon has joined #nevermore
* hub.dk sets mode: +oooo Squeegstr Majestik D_Lioness Noumenon
* AnViL- has joined #nevermore
* hub.dk sets mode: +o AnViL-
<Gx3k> the fuck happened there?
* NoLordy has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* D_Lioness has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* AnViL- has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Squeegstr has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Noumenon has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* deadamish has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* ct_thrash has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)
* Majestik has quit IRC (irc.inet.tele.dk hub.dk)