'the herald' tab

I actually really liked it and it sounds pretty easy to tab, maybe I'll give it a shot, but I"ve been really lazy about that sort of thing recently, being employed ftl.
1 dollar per 10 measures imo, i'll pm you my paypal address, kthx

When I actually sat down to tab it with headphones it made me not want to try cause the guitars aren't separated or anything, it's just both center channel overlapping shit so it would take some hard listening to figure out what's what in a lot of sections. Therefore, donations are required to proceed LOLZ

Or I could do a sort of simplified version of the 2 guitar sections and just tab the main sections, the whole thing would take fucking forever and getting it accurate to the recording would take even longer. Damn 70s production, L2pan.
Good call braighs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The above clip is the start of the section in the song lasting a few minutes before some sweeping strings come in, that the part that i wanted to learn especially, come on wankerness pleaseeeeeeeeeee! : /