The Hidden Hand - Mother Teacher Destroyer


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
The Hidden Hand – Mother Teacher Destroyer
Southern Lord Recordings – 2004
By Jason Jordan


People like The Hidden Hand. Stoners aside, I can’t figure out why this particular group would appeal to that many individuals. Fortunately, though, the band grabbed me as soon as I began to lose interest in a song. This didn’t happen just once, but multiple times throughout my listening sessions.

You’ll get all bored with “The Crossing” until the 1:38 minute mark when the tempo picks up, and the material gets invariably more engrossing. Raucous guitar leads rise out of thin air, which provides a much-needed dimension to the song. “Half Mast” utilizes a tranquil beginning, but overuses its riffage. In effect, the latter will most likely repel before it attracts. The 3:20 minute mark is interesting, however, because the short guitar lead sounds amazingly similar to a riff found in the Dynasty Warriors videogame series. “Desensitized” draws its strength from the blistering guitar solos. “Draco Vibration” is mainly an exploratory instrumental; “Black Ribbon” replenishes the vocalization absence. “Currents” assembles an ambience that is rare for Mother Teacher Destroyer. “Coffin Lily” has an excellent bass line, and also proves that the drummer does use the hi-hat on occasion. “Sons of Kings” and “The Deprogramming of Tom Delay” are the last compositions on The Hidden Hand’s latest album.

You probably already know whether you’re going to like this (or not), so I won’t bother detailing much more of it. Mother Teacher Destroyer displays some good ideas, and I felt there was a gamut of lost potential to be found as well. It didn’t satisfy me as I had hoped it would – but it’s worth time.


Official The Hidden Hand website
Official Southern Lord Recordings website