The Hills Have Eyes

I hate remakes, but this one looks like it might be worth seeing. I'll still wait till it's out a few weeks to avoid the crowds of jackass teenagers.
warparty666 said:
I hate remakes, but this one looks like it might be worth seeing. I'll still wait till it's out a few weeks to avoid the crowds of jackass teenagers.

You a jackass teenager at one point in life too.
I'll be there. Remakes have been awesome. The Fly, The Thing, The Blob, 13 Ghosts, Cat People (meh), TCM, Dawn of the Dead, The Fog, Amytiville(meh). BUT UNTIL I SEE IT FUCK THEM FOR REMAKING EVIL DEAD!
Remakes have been awesome ? You're just the kind of movie fan they hope goes to the theater I guess.
How about funding someone out of film school with an original idea. Though I am still waiting for "Sanford and Son" the movie.
karrokid said:
Remakes have been awesome ? You're just the kind of movie fan they hope goes to the theater I guess.
How about funding someone out of film school with an original idea. Though I am still waiting for "Sanford and Son" the movie.

They go around looking for executive producers for $$$$ to make an independent or they make music videos and/or then remakes until they make a name for themselves. I AM the kind of guy that goes to about every horror movie but if it's PG-13 I need more incentive. For instance, from your perspective a "Sanford and Son" movie would be a great idea. If rated R. (and Redd Foxx wasn't dead):p

What's a intrument? Sorry, just got back from the dentist:(,:)