The Hoffman Brothers Left Deicide!


Pro MetalHead
Sep 4, 2004
Deicide was known as the band with one of the most solid lineup, but this was broke by the fact that the Hoffman brothers who are no more in Deicide and never will be, according to Glens words.

The reason for all of this according to Glen's words:
Eric and Brian have been doing nothing but cancelling shows on us and walking of tours and we can't continue to do that anymore. And they have issues, personal issues that I and Steve [Asheim, drums] can't deal with anymore so I would say it's for the best".

Brians 'Deicide' Guitar Being Auctioned Off at eBay, the auction can be found here:


I's a fuckin' shame.. :yell:
Scars is a pretty kickass album. I would agree that Once Upon.... was their last good one before this though.

The guys from Vital Remains should fit in pretty well and should make for a killer album. I wouldn't mind seeing Jack Owen stick with em for a while but Adrift seems to be his priority....ah a perfect world.

Either way, they're playing Dublin in 2 days time and I'm sure as hell gonna be front row center :hotjump: :rock: :worship:
sweet majestic darkness said:
Kcik ass man! Yeah, I read that Jack Owen wasn't sticking around, but like you said, it would be nice. You are going to see a sick show man!
And sure it's a great excuse to on the beer (with the lads no g/f's allowed ;) ) in a different town and cause some havoc. Only problem is that we've the work Christmas party beer for the night etc etc) and then I've to get up early for the train to the gig....going to be suffering on that auld choo choo I reckon

Anyone here seen 'em already on this tour? Is the merch any good? Really want to get a Legion shirt :hotjump:
Glen Benton said:
Eventually my plans are for the next DEICIDE record are to have Dave and Tony [Lazaro] from VITAL REMAINS playing guitar on the album.
Sounds like I'll be buying my first Deicide album soon.
Where the fuck are you guys getting this from? Vital Remains are WAY better than Deicide (and I LIKE Deicide!). It was great having Benton just adding vocals but if he gets those guys to join HIS band, HE'LL be writing the songs and they won't be as good as VR. This is shit news! Can you imagine Glenn Benton writing "Dechristianize"? For fuck sake it lasts more than 3 minutes! Gah!
Vital Remains will still be working as normal but they'll just be helping out with Deicide's material as well. So I highly doubt the Vital Remains material would change much (I hope it doesn't, Dechristianize was awesome), I think the only changing that's going to happen is Deicide are going to get a lot, lot better
Maybe with the Hoffman brothers gone, they can get some guitar players with a sound where you can actually hear the riffs sounding like they're played on guitars rather than a swarm of angry bees. :grin:
sumairetsu said:
Maybe with the Hoffman brothers gone, they can get some guitar players with a sound where you can actually hear the riffs sounding like they're played on guitars rather than a swarm of angry bees. :grin:
Amen to that. Deicide's guitar-sound has always been tinny and neutered.