The Hollow Earth Theory - Hanging Of The Followers

dill_the_devil Music Editor
The Hollow Earth Theory - Hanging Of The Followers
Self-released - 2006
By Philip Whitehouse

Look a little further down the reviews index page, and you'll see a review for an EP by Shallow Water Grave. In it, I mention that I typically don't recommend EPs very highly, since I wouldn't normally bother buying them myself unless I was very, very keen on the band. Well, by way of contrast, let me throw this out there - if The Hollow Earth Theory were to release a single track CD on a pre-scratched CDR and asked a tenner for the privilege, such is the quality of this band, I'd seriously consider it.

Last time I wrote about these guys (look for the Angels To Others review), I mentioned that with a better production, they could easily rise to the top of the UK metal throne - their complex, prog-influenced, Earthtone 9-meets-Tool-by-way-of-Faith No More amalgamation of sounds being easily the most impressive unsigned material I've heard, like, ever. Well, guess what they went and did? Yep, the talented Dave Chang provided production duties for this latest EP, and to go with the improved recording, THET stepped up and brought their finest music yet out of the bag too.

Every single moment of this EP is a joy to listen to. I've been overdue with my other reviews because, instead of listening to those albums, I've had this on repeat. The blindingly fast and precise drumming, the riffage that ranges from thick and crushing to gentle and atmospheric through to frenetically complex, the ball-poppingly impressive high note that vocalist Nathan James Biggs reaches on 'Buried'... hell, even the mid-EP instrumental interlude 'Touchtone Serenity', with proggy bass-line, spacey drums and hypnotic leads, is an unmitigated pleasure. It's all completely brilliant. Honestly, if these guys get any better, their next release will have me spontaneously ejaculating on command. Will someone, please, for the love of God, give them a record deal?


The Hollow Earth Theory's Official Website
Something else I want to add, seperately from the review - the band recently entered a competition, reliant on public voting, to win a spot on the Myspace Stage at the upcoming Download Festival. Now, I'm going to that festival, and I'd love to see them play. Anyone reading this review, do me a favour - keep an eye on - when the competition goes online and voting begins (May 22nd, if I'm not mistaken): vote for them. Get your family to vote for them. Get your friends to vote for them. They really, really deserve it.

Please note - I don't know these guys personally. I'm not on the street team. I'm not family, and I'm not in their employment. They really are this good.