The House Harkonnen [bluesy tech/speed metal; Motorhead, Mastodon]


Sep 16, 2002
Maplewood, MN

any fans around here? I 1st heard them last month when they opened for Fair to Midland. I've been playing their new album this week.


pretty impressed by the energy they dish out. "Vol.6" is only a 28 minutes long, but in some ways it seems to last (in a good way) longer than that.

I haven't checked out their older records yet, but based on the new album's name, I would assume they have 5 older records.

They've been playing shows in Texas mostly, for like 10 years, often with Fair to Midland. They really seem like a tight-knit, talented group of musicians, who if they were heard by the right audience, could become more popular. Perhaps their recent tour with FTM has helped that.

I do know, I am certainly a new fan of theirs, and I will not hesitate if I ever get the chance to see them live again. The show I saw, they floored me. They kind of outstaged FTM to be honest, which is pretty hard to do.
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