The how old are you thread

Thyrfing was a mythical sword that always killed someone when it was unsheathed. Thrymfal is just a neat name i sounded out one day. Thrym was the giant that stole thor's hammer, but other than that it has no meaning (at least not one that i know of)
ok thanks, I figured that your name had something to do with the giant but I was sure about thyrfing.

I have another question for those who speak or can understand swedish... is this the correct way to say "I will die with sword in hand", "Jar skall dö med svard i hand" or is the grammar and such completly wrong. If so please post the correct way to say/write it.
burning creation said:
ok thanks, I figured that your name had something to do with the giant but I was sure about thyrfing.

I have another question for those who speak or can understand swedish... is this the correct way to say "I will die with sword in hand", "Jar skall dö med svard i hand" or is the grammar and such completly wrong. If so please post the correct way to say/write it.

hm, well it's kind of hard to write how it's supposed to be pronounced since i'm not very good at phonetic transcriptio,n but i'll try to make my own :grin::

"jag skall dö med svärd i hand" - "iag skall dö med svÄrd i hand" the ä is pronounced like "E" in "end" and the "a" in "ale", the "Ö" like the "u" in "burn" and the "e" in "concern". and the "i" in "iag" is pronounced like the "i" in "in" and "e" in "evil". hope that helped somewhat
Dude I've told you a million times they won't bust my ass cause I'm white as dried up dog shit and my Chilean Cuban roots won't show...thus I can cross borders like a guerilla solider though I'll be living in the Little Italy of fucking Toronto, oh yeah fucking oath baby come to the Patmeisters place for good food good friends and good monshine and that's just the way it is. I'm still Jennie from the block :)
You live in the usa of a with only faggy little guns, well Allah is great and me and these two friends Jésus and Carlos have SHOTGUNS so beware now you hear you little Saudi creep, I will pick up my pit bulls' dog shit and put it in your burrito mmmkay let us not concvert ourselves to some white assed civilization here when we can be all macho Mexican and to situps while we have conversations going. I cant write anymore cause my hands are shaking from years of excessive drinking so bye and fuck the police, SALUTE MY MAFIA BRO'S
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Mr. Belgar....... you draw FAR too much unneccessery attention..... :)
But ... but ... but we mean no harm ... too many years of tequilla drinking have made Patric and I outlanders again we shall rise and join of brothers of arms accross the rio pedro ... hasta la victoria siempre. Remember the Alamo .... our donkey will lead us to victory. Pack the sombreros .....