The "I wanted to go to the DM show in Philly, but couldn't" Thread

Parents won't let me go ...


But Cara and I should resurrect our evil plan to get together so that my mother sees she and Derrick aren't evil drug addicted axe murders who mean to use me for their deviant purposes then kill me ... so that I can go to concerts with them and they can use me for their deviant purposes.
*plot, plot, plot*
dreaming neon darkspot said:
But Cara and I should resurrect our evil plan to get together so that my mother sees she and Derrick aren't evil drug addicted axe murders who mean to use me for their deviant purposes then kill me ... so that I can go to concerts with them and they can use me for their deviant purposes.
*plot, plot, plot*
you go girl

dreaming neon darkspot said:
Parents won't let me go ...


But Cara and I should resurrect our evil plan to get together so that my mother sees she and Derrick aren't evil drug addicted axe murders who mean to use me for their deviant purposes then kill me ... so that I can go to concerts with them and they can use me for their deviant purposes.
*plot, plot, plot*
indeedness :heh:
Main Entry: sard
Pronunciation: 'särd
Function: noun
Etymology: French sarde, from Latin sarda
: a reddish brown variety of chalcedony sometimes classified as a variety of carnelian