The "I wanted to go to the DM show in Philly, but couldn't" Thread

dead6skin6mask6 said:
"One minute. Jesus buttsekzed Christ, could anyone HEAR anything?!"

everyone told me that it was ALL distinguishable. so we played it THAT fucking fast THAT fucking successfully

yeah it was all right on

except maybe the drumming could've been faster ..

if he remembered his sneakers

and didnt wear big heavy boots

Someone who is adicted to Sard Wonder Soap and is constantly cleaning with Sard Wonder Soap.. They live their life by it.

"my mum is doing the washing agin...i think shes a saadict"
dead6skin6mask6 said:
"One minute. Jesus buttsekzed Christ, could anyone HEAR anything?!"

everyone told me that it was ALL distinguishable. so we played it THAT fucking fast THAT fucking successfully
That's fucking queer.

Really, that doesn't even make sense to me. Whatever floats your boat.
Marksveld said:
What the hell is your problem?
Lighten up guys. Jesus. I realize that the track isn't all that long and if you cut out the bullshit at the end it isn't all that long at all. Just making a comment. Hell, I could probably play the whole reign in blood album in twenty minutes, but who cares? Blah, it doesn't matter anyway. See ya folks.............................
dreaming neon darkspot said:
*hands AjDeath Midol*


On Dogmatism-Free and open debate is impossible unless both parties acknowledge they could both be wrong. Anyone who makes their conclusion the immovable point of their arguments has ceased to reason and has started to rationalize. More importantly, they've closed down all hope of learning or expanding their views.

This has nothing to do with anything but might be enlightening.:Spin:
dreaming neon darkspot said:
So I'm guessing the Midol I gave you is the immovable point in the argument ... ?
Actually, unless you send the midol to me, I will not recieve them. :loco:

"I don't understand why parents beat their children when psychological damage is so much more permanent." Tom Rhodes. I think this guy has a point.