The In Flames board is gone....!

Well, they (bands) shouldn't be critical, I mean, check their forum, consider it stupid and therefore get it closed (if that would be the reason). Mainly, it's bands' own fault that forums are, sorry to say, flooded by crap. Bands members don't want to participate, communicate with their fans, and people feel bored. Now and then some music thread pops up, but mainly, all those are threads of type : let's kill time. If they didn't/don't like what they saw/see there, well, might be their own fault, and instead of getting the forum closed, they should start some threads, to inspire people to talk about something concrete.
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
your picture in your avatar makes you look smarter than you already are.... since thats the case, answer this highly difficult question for me:

what is 1+1?

at first i was gonna let this slide
but then i saw your avatar.
you fucking GEEK.

in flames last 3 albums have sucked a big one, yet moron fans support every pile of horseshit they put out. shouldn't you be at some metallica board telling everyone how great Reload is, anyway?
I was wondering when someone would start a thread about the In Flames forum here... there's a thread in every other forum as well. The one in the Dark Tranquility forum is bigger and with more assumptions about what happened and stuff.