The inception of death metal

Then can Venom be considered the root of all today's extreme music? Then Hellhammer, Celtic Frost? And I was told that the band Bathory was the first one who lighted the flame of black metal, it that true?
Originally posted by corpse-paint
what are these seperate opinions? Would you share some of them with me?

Well, like it was said before some people called " Possessed" instead of Death and once i read one post that someone said that Death isn`t even close to real deathmetal, but i don´t agree with that all!!! Death is deathmetal in my opinion!
Seven Churches was released prior to Death's SBC so am I allowed to say that the present day death metal was in fact started with Seven Churches? Or you think this is just nonsence.
Yes, I would say Possessed were the ones that started the movement, but Death raised the bar to another level with Scream Bloody Gore (IMO)
Oh come on! Don't get me wrong, Scream Bloody Gore is an awesome album, but it's pure Possessed worship.

Slaughter was awesome as well. Surrender or Die is great, and Strappado is even better.
squeemu said:
So is the genre named Death metal after the band Death? I heard this before, but I wasn't sure if that was true.

Nope, there's a song in Possessed's album ''Seven Churches'' called Death Metal. That's problably where it came from.