DarkNoise Grotesque Butchery Rabbit Jun 20, 2002 2,797 4 38 41 Outskirts of the City of Subdued Excitement www.geocities.com Feb 18, 2007 #1 sorry for using a title from bloodhound gang, but i'm drunk, it's my one day off (currently working 6 ten hour days), and I thought I'd announce that I have internet again! Now you must put up with my shenannigans. Spelling aint mi strung poynt.
sorry for using a title from bloodhound gang, but i'm drunk, it's my one day off (currently working 6 ten hour days), and I thought I'd announce that I have internet again! Now you must put up with my shenannigans. Spelling aint mi strung poynt.
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Feb 18, 2007 #2 Not to make you feel bad, but, uh, when did you leave?
Kvlt Wench sews no mercy Jun 23, 2003 9,232 107 63 San Francisco www.facebook.com Feb 18, 2007 #3 Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeego.
DarkNoise Grotesque Butchery Rabbit Jun 20, 2002 2,797 4 38 41 Outskirts of the City of Subdued Excitement www.geocities.com Feb 18, 2007 #4 I don't recall when I left. But I'm sure it's been at least a few months. I don't think I've had internet access since October. And HEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY Squeeget! I know you didn't miss me, but I almost kinda sorta missed you..... and your big shlong.
I don't recall when I left. But I'm sure it's been at least a few months. I don't think I've had internet access since October. And HEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY Squeeget! I know you didn't miss me, but I almost kinda sorta missed you..... and your big shlong.
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Feb 18, 2007 #5 Yes, no other male dares to compare cocks with her.
Kvlt Wench sews no mercy Jun 23, 2003 9,232 107 63 San Francisco www.facebook.com Feb 18, 2007 #6 How could I not miss Squeego?! And yes, my cock in the mightiest.
DarkNoise Grotesque Butchery Rabbit Jun 20, 2002 2,797 4 38 41 Outskirts of the City of Subdued Excitement www.geocities.com Feb 18, 2007 #7 indeed Is... and might I add.... my anus is in pain now.