Tight as fuck!
They hit the nail on the head with this show!
They were on! Very on!
During The Trooper, during Nita's solo, she breaks out of the script and drops a fat harmonic divebomb. I thought that was great! I think sticking to the script is obviously important for a cover band, but for The Trooper, I say go nuts. Actually, I saw a tad of what her style is like and it intrigued me that I may even go Monday night and see her band at The Roxy. Aren't The Trooper, Number of the Beast and Iron Maiden throw away songs anyway?
Murders of the Rou Morgue was awesome!
One guy was in his own moshing fantasy as he was literally slamming by himself pushing everyone when he was only able to recruit about 2 people to the cause. I was very disappointed a fight didn't break out. This guy was Super Loser! If you are reading this:
Courtney is fuckin great! She keeps getting better in my opinion. I mean if Adrian Smith was there, of course why would Adrian Smith be at Paladino's? Come on. But if he actually was there and was hypothetically in the back all incog watching last night, which of course that would never happen, I am sure he would be very very proud of Cort. I mean, not that he'd ever actually be there, but if he was. She is fuckin ripppppppppppppinnnn!
Happy 10 Year Anniversary!