The Iron Maidens on the cover of Music Connection


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
In an article on tribute bands, our manager, Mark Dawson, was contacted for his input in the new issue of Music Connection. I hear that we share the cover with two other trib bands, Led Zepagain and Metal Skool.

The issue hits the newstands tommorrow evening
- is everywhere Thursday
- and online next week.

:headbang: :D :hotjump: Yay!
It's no joke when they say that tribute bands can make big $$$$. The Atomic Punks fly to Minneapolis quite often ( 6 times a year of so) and make a pile of money playing for 1 nite at this club called Povs in Andover, MN . Maybe the Maidens will come to the Midwest on a tour soon?
It's really nice to have our wonderful manager, Mark, finally get a little public recognition. He works so hard and deserves it so much. We are so lucky to have someone who cares about us all and this project so much. He's the secret sauce!!!! :lol:

Mr. Dawson - You RULE!!!!!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Hey! Very cool! Was looking through the magazines we get here at work and I look at the front of Music Connection and think "Hey! They look familiar!"

Was bummed that they didn't have any chats with any of the band though.

Still ... great publicity. Keep on rockin'!

ah87ts said:
Hey! Very cool! Was looking through the magazines we get here at work and I look at the front of Music Connection and think "Hey! They look familiar!"

Was bummed that they didn't have any chats with any of the band though.

Still ... great publicity. Keep on rockin'!


A picture says a 1000 words, eh?! Besides we always get a lot of chat space and it's about time Mark got a turn in the spotlight and a chance to show who he is. He deserves it - we'd be working a hella lot harder if he wasn't there for us. :headbang: