The Iron Maidens on Hustler


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
The Maidens and other all-female tribute bands are featured on the January 2009 issue of Hustler magazine. And NO, they're not posing for any pictorials. The full article can be found on the Press section of the Maidens' official site.

Page 2 of the article, however, has some editorial cartoons that are not work-safe (Mark or Linda, perhaps you can crop out that section if possible); so for those at work, here's a snippet of the article:

The Iron Maidens

English rockers Iron Maiden are not normally associated with women. Their patented blend of testosterone-fueled heavy metal and ghoulish theatrics have rocked a mostly male audience for decades. Maybe that’s what makes Iron Maiden’s opposite-sex counterparts so compelling. The world’s only all-girl Iron Maiden tribute band, The Iron Maidens are five hard-rocking chicks, two of whom had an unexpected (and intimidating) opportunity to perform with their mighty idols.

Vocalist Aja a/k/a “Bruce Chickinson”:“Wanda and I sat in with Nicko McBrain, the drummer for Iron Maiden, and that was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.”

Bassist Wanda “Steph Harris” Ortiz: “We were nervous.”

“Bruce Chickinson”: “Horribly nervous. You are up there doing the tune, and I turn around expecting to see a tiny brunette, and there’s this big blond guy with no shoes on going, ‘Yeah, your ass is a lot better than Bruce’s [Dickinson]. He definitely dug Wanda’s gams more than his bassist, Steve [Harris].”

The L.A.-based beauties have also enjoyed their fair share of groupie love.

Drummer Linda “Nikki McBURRain” McDonald: “When guys get really drunk, they seem to want to have their body parts signed.”

Guitarist Sara “MiniMurray” Marsh: “Guys tend to want their unit signed, but we usually have to just initial it because there’s not much space. Initials are all that are going to fit. Initially they are a little uncomfortable about being a groupie, but once they are into us, it gets just fucking crazy!”

“Bruce Chickinson”:“We have bootlickers. They’re never out of control, but they really get into it. The fans of this music are really into it, and you add us being girls on top of that, and they get lost.”

Get your licks in and maybe ogle some booty by venturing to

Hustler - "For Chicks About to Rock, We Salute You!" (Page 2 NWS)
Is it me or was that a downright insulting thing for Nicko to say? He meets 5 girls who pay tribute to his band and that's all he can say?

It's one thing to think it but to say it out loud? Sheesh.

Also, I see where Melanie finally landed. She just vanished for a while.
Is it me or was that a downright insulting thing for Nicko to say? He meets 5 girls who pay tribute to his band and that's all he can say?

It's one thing to think it but to say it out loud? Sheesh.

Well, consider the source. Things tend to get blown out of proportion sometimes. I was there when this supposed comment was made and it wasn't as it reads; it wasn't said as a slimey pig would say it at all. He was just havin fun with the situation, that's all. Unfortunately telling these kinds of stories can have a negative impact and really should not be told in a public forum such as Hustler magazine, but that is only my opinion, and of course they would jump on a statement like that! That's what they are all about baby!!! :lol: He had much more to say than just that as he hung out and sat with us at a booth most of the night and was very chatty. A really funny guy! :rock:

Hey, we're all proud to be in Hustler magazine and still have our clothes on!! LOL! :rock: :rock: :rock: