The Iron Maidens sign Japanese record deal!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
I can't remember if I already posted this, but it's worth mentioning again IMO:saint:
We have signed a deal with the Japanese label Powerslave Records (for the Japanese territories; Cargo UK/Europe distribution; Century Media/U.S.A. distribution). They will be releasing a Japanese version of our CD which will include 2 extra tracks not included on the current cd, plus a different cover and artwork and whatever bonus stuff they like to add in those Japanese imports! The official release date is December 6th. :kickass: We'll be sure to remind everyone when the date gets closer and let you know where you can get this fine stocking stuffer! LOL! :headbang: Cheers!
:saint: DRZ told me the plan but we'll see if that is the final thing.
One of the additional tracks sounds like great fun. :headbang: :saint: :saint:

They will be available at the shows for sure.

This isnt really a whole lotta muscles , but I hope it'll do :

I heard they were having a review and a special contest and pull out of some sort in the December issue of Burrn Magazine a while ago, but haven't heard if this is true yet. If anyone sees it out please do let us know! :headbang:
Since the release date is the 6th is there a chance some will be available at the Paladino's show? :err:
