The Irrational and Emotional Thinking that is Modern "Reasoning".


Dec 12, 2005
Satire based on this news story:

James Watson who, together with Francis Crick, discovered the double helix as the structure of DNA, has been found to have 16 times more genes of African origin than the average White European. He has 16% compared to 1%.

This stunning revelation has led to Watson, who recently sparked controversy by suggesting that Africans are genetically less intelligent than other people, being accused of being unintelligent himself.

"His racist remarks were really stupid, and these facts about his genome being 16% African just go to prove that", said a spokesman for the Commission for Racial Equality.

The validity of all Watson's scientific research, including the double helix, has now been brought into doubt.

Watson may hope that the news that he is many times blacker than the average White human will prove that he should not be labelled a racist, and that he should be immediately reinstated as chancellor of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, in preference to anyone else who may be better qualified but less Black.

The Icelandic company deCODE Genetics, that compiled the results from the genome analysis, also found Watson to have an additional 9% of genes from Asian descent, further increasing the gap between Watson and the average European to proportions so vast that even a chimpanzee, with just over 96% the same genes , is far more genetically related to most Europeans.

Scrutinizing Watson's appearance, we may be shocked at how unrevealing are his looks (pointy features, pale skin and blue eyes) of his true genetic makeup.

"Race is certainly far from skin-deep", an anti-racist activist insisted. "If you are found to have African genes then that makes you Black whatever you look like on the outside."

But further shock was still to come, as it came to light that this "man", Watson, is in fact nearly half vegetable! 40% of Watson's DNA is shared with that of lettuce. Clearly Watson is a lot greener than he is Black.

[Note: we share about a third of our DNA with lettuce - between 30% and 40%]

Like everyone else, I share about 30% of my genes with the lettuce. Generally I suppress the urge to be smothered in salad cream, and the fact I share a high proportion of my genes with green leaves doesn't make me think that I resemble a lettuce. I am confident that I am entirely unlettuce-like.,,1931788,00.html?gusrc=rss=6

There are various other references to this on the internet.
Everyone involved in this entire thing is stupid. Worrying about genetics is a waste of time and money. We have much bigger problems. A lot of the comments on this crap are pretty stupid; we all come from Africa somewhere along the line.
That bit about how Watson is less like Europeans than chimps are; my understanding of genetics is limited, but somehow I don't think it works like that. It would be nice if someone with an actual understanding of genetics would clear this up.