The issue of Bush as AWOL dodger

I started to care and then stopped to think about it and realized I could really give a fuck. I'm more concerned he got a free ride through college b/c of his connections than with military service.
i wouldnt care except that he sends other people to war. that's the really annoying part. it's easy to start wars when you don't get your legs mangled previously in one like my dad did.
yea i don't think it's his worst offense, but i think it appeals greatly to people who know other people in military service, to realize he thinks he's better than them.
Sam, I agree. In fact, I don't think it should be focused on because I think there's maybe a 65% chance it's true, but a 35% chance it's not. Better to let it hover there as a vague and not unjust smear than to stake the Presidential race on it and having a 35% chance of torpedoing your credibility entirely.
I also don't agree, in general, with the "chicken hawk" attack that's being launched at Bush and his cronies (several times in this thread, in fact, in more words). I think it's extremely dangerous to perpetuate the attitude that a President can't commit troops to combat without having been in a war/the military himself. If America accepts that attitude, it's a first (and significant) step toward living in a country where you can only get elected and run it if you have a military record--that is, conscientious objectors to war and the military in general, or even people not gung-ho enough about them to join the military, will be permanently barred from elected office.
i agree with prep because my dad went to Nam and got his own purple heart ... no family influence to vault himself over a waiting list of hundredß....
it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't strut about in unit jackets and flight suits like he was some kind of badass warrior when in fact he's a wannabe. that tells me he's inherently fake and hollow.
I've worked my entire adult life for the dept of defense and I've met lots of men who have given so much without trying to cop some bullshit attitude...and then endangering his own people for which increasingly being rrevealed as for corporate reasons.
alex: that's not the point. the point isn't whether they were in war or not, it's that everyone was getting drafted and they weaseled out, without so much as a word sticking up for those other people getting drafted. that's the point. more than anything. and also, the president is the head of the military so i dont think it's totally ridiculous to think they'd KNOW something about it, and at least not have lied to avoid it.
it's weird i was just writing this huge long lj about my dad in veitnam and how sick he is now and stuff and i realized i couldnt get myself to write it this morning. TOTAL DOWNER.
right, yes, i agree, amanda--that's why I'm trying to confine my criticism to that issue ("He weaseled out!") rather than say "How dare he send troops into combat when he weaseled out!" He is suitably condemned and shamed without tacking on that troublesome first part.

(And by "weaseled out" I specifically mean the situation of being very pro-war but sneaking out and letting others do the fighting. people who refused to go to war for moral, not cowardly, reasons did not "weasel out").
you should do it as a tribute to your dad, prep. I know my dad was wounded and watched friends die and killed people and the scars that must put on a person's soul are sometimes more than I want to contemplate. it would be nice if war wasn't necessary but when it is, the people who put their freakin cojones on the line are real heroes.
i definitely think a civilian can be a good president. if they're not a total weasel. clinton was a freakin weasel too the bastard.
my dad doesn't really consider himself a hero. he considers himself a victim of a shitty b.s. government (who by the way denies he was injured in the war b/c he was somewhere they weren't supposed to be). he also got orders to kill kids and women. and did bad stuff. and hated it. and the vietnam war had no purpose. so he's pretty bitter about it.