The issue of Bush as AWOL dodger

"sorry, soldier, but since you and your unit were ordered into Cambodia, where we weren't TECHNICALLY at war, your bullet wounds classified by the U.S. government as the same kind of injury they would be if you went to Acapulco on vacation, got drunk, fell off a boat while marlin-fishing, and broke your leg. NO PAYOUT."
Also, dear right wing talk show loonies (Sean Hannity): It turns out that the claims Kerry made about US soldiers raping women and shooting and scalping children are actually true, so do ya think you could stop implying that he's a traitor for saying it out loud?
dad + baby watching CNN

my dad was in vietnam too, but denied he was ever in combat for years. he told my mom he was in electrical engineering and didn't see action; then when they were getting divorced, all this stuff came out. he had a journal he kept there that talked about his friends dying/committing suicide and all sorts of stuff- i never read it since i was younger at the time.

most of those talk hosts/media personnel bug the crap out of me, left and right wing alike; i think the only ones i like are glenn beck and michael moore, which is odd because they're pretty much opposites. michael moore i just like, but i think glenn beck seems to fall a little closer in my personal views. he tends to call it as he sees it, blaming both democrats and republicans even though he's essentially conservative.
this morning he was talking about how people shouldn't be concerned with bush's awol scenario since it happened in 1972 unless they were equally concerned with clinton's draft dodging around the same time and are similarly concerned with a speech john kerry made in 1970 in which he stated something about how he thought our military forces should be dispersed only on order of the united nations and that the CIA should be dissolved. (this is total heresay, don't butcher me if it's wrong/out of context)
I think that it would be awesome if U.S. forces were only dispensed by the dictates of a legitimate international organization. However, unfortunately, the phrase "legitimate international organization" does not include the United Nations.
xfer said:
I think that it would be awesome if U.S. forces were only dispensed by the dictates of a legitimate international organization. However, unfortunately, the phrase "legitimate international organization" does not include the United Nations.
What other organization do you see as an alternative? The UN is sadly the only and the best thing we got right now...
i think xfer's point about the UN is not entirely dissimilar to how we feel about presidential candidates: there is an ideal, but all present choices are crappy.

and yes, preppy, your dad looks like he'd be awesome to hang out with as long as he didn't figure out that i'm an idiot. that's why i keep quiet often: my aim is for the silence to be seen as wisdom.
no my dad is really nice unless thoroughly provoked, trust me! also babies gravitate to him and immediately fall asleep on him. i think it's because of his deep voice or something. at large parties/family gatherings he always ends up in a chair smothered in sleeping babies and bottles of scotch it's quite touching.

p.s. i <3 my dad

p.p.s. i was reading some about bush's little stint in the military and he said something like he 'recalls' being present. it's like, wouldn't you remember that a little better even if you're a bit of a cokehead?