Luis said:
The chick on The Damnation Game album cover was so disturbed by the impish demon playing his tiny fiddle, that she awoke from her slumber, went down to her basement, and came back up with a chainsaw. After a long, vicious fight, she cut through the demon's fiddle, his bow, and finally his wings: killing him.
Then she went through his stuff and found 900 little baggies of cocaine which she sold on Craig's List masquerading under the guise of the Lady Of The Snow.
She profited a considerable amount and used the proceeds to enlist on the Tv show Extreme Makeover. After some intricate face work, nice breast implants, and a tummy tuck; the Damnation Game chick started having pangs of remorse for the impish creature she had slaughtered so brutally to look so pretty.
So with her leftover funds, she set up a lavish funeral in a gothic church and to pay the ultimate homage to him; assembled all of his severed feathers together which she sprinkled with some leftover cocaine(which she would snort after the ceremony) to use as a backdrop while she gave her eulogy to the poor little creature.
Looking at the entire immaculate production she had created; she then demanded that her picture be taken; and she silently weeped for the little demon who was cut to so many bloody ribbons as she held a single rose.
She then named the entire service: The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
She then went home, did her coke, went out drinking, came home, passed out, woke up, and did more coke.
The End