The Lyckantropen Movie.

Blue Moon

Staring at the Sun
Nov 14, 2001
Down the Hallway of Always
Not withstanding the fact that this is (arguably) amongst Ulver's best work, is the movie any good ? is it worth ordering ? Furthermore, that pesky interview on the DVD tempts me at night from time to time, does it shed any light on things we can't really find on the net ?

In brief, is it fucking worth it ?

Same would go for Svid Negger, when you think of it...
Lyckantropen, the film, is definitely worth it. It's only a half hour long...ish. And the interview is pretty good.

haven't seen Svidd Neger though
i've watched it several times, it's quite good. the ulver interview is worth it, but i only watched that once.

haven't seen svidd neger, last i checked it hadn't been subtitled in english yet.
I'll order the Lyckantropen DVD as soon as it gets back in stock at The End Records (I'm getting the album soon). Based on the film plots though, I really want to see Svidd Neger, especially to see how the soundtrack works with the movie. I hope they'll get that subtitled or something and have some kind of release.

Edit: Whoah...$10 and free US shipping at that other site someone linked to. I'm getting it. ^_^