The Madman is back!


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
Hi all! :)

It sure has been a while and I have missed you guys. As you might know my computer got thunderstruck back in may. It took it's time but now it's fixed again, I got me old machine back home today.

The fixing process was quite interesting... They changed the power source cos it was easier than fixing the old one, and changed few parts from the monitor. What was interesting is that a) it took bloody 3 weeks before it was possible to take the thing to the service cos the man was on his holiday, and it took over two weeks before he got the work done, and b) he installed a new modem...:confused:

He had taken the old modem (internal, ISA) out and put in a new one (internal, PCI). He had not installed the drivers or done anything that would have required switching the comp on, cos I had (have) the system BIOS password protected. So I tried to install the modem but it came up that it would've needed a MMX compatible processor (I assume that it's because it's a 'soft-modem') which I don't have. So I thought I'd try the old one to see if it really was broken, cos it doesn't seem like it is, and after few failed driver installs I have a connection again!

Also, I got finally started with my summerjob. I drive a tractor at a peat bog (I haven't got a clue if that's the right expression...). We "produce" peat for power plants. It's damn hard job, my back has been aching every 'kin night after my work shift, and my neck and shoulders are stiff like a steel and the temperature in the tractor is about 30 C during days. But one has to make one's money someway... But that's not so bad, cos I quite like my job, it's something I know how to do (irrelevant side comment: the guy whose machine I drive seems to like how I and the other guy, who's also driving it, are doing our job. And the same goes for the guy who's our boss at the workplace, and for the guy who "owns" the place. Those men have apparently praised us quite much, for what I have been told. Dunno though how much of that is true, but I like to think so. :grin: ).

Because of the work, my time is more limited now than it was during school. I'm away from home when I have work, and cos the place is quite far away (About 50km from our house) and I don't have a car, I have to live there. the good side is that I can get away from my brother, but the bad side is that I get away from there to have fun only when the weather permits*.

Holy cow! This turned out to a friggin' novel! :eek:

Okay to the point, I know I have these to do:
Wasting Love, gui
I've got the fire, little bit of bass
Chemical Wedding, gui
Iron Maiden, gui

Anything else?

I'll get them done when the weather permits*. In the best case that would be at the beginning of next week, but who knows...

(* read: when it rains)
Actually I was surprised that my name was still in top 10 list...

Ah well, I bet you'll pass my count quite soon... that I have at least somekind of life! :p