Scene: The reunion press conference.
"Yeah man, we are like brothers. We are family you know? Hey families fight, but in the end, blood is thicker than water, you know? So I suppose we are water, but we are thick water. Maybe a syrup of some kind.
I sort of knew in my gut that this day would come, I mean, I needed to get those solo albums out of my system. I guess I always knew we would get back together. - Phloggy
"He is right, we had a few good years without him, and I still believe we did some great work in that time, even though we were universally slammed by everyone, but we knew it was inevitable, I mean, the fans wanted it man, and thats who its all about, isnt it?
We wish Dave the best of course, no hard feelings there man, he gave us his all, but we felt it was time to move on. Back to the past. If you see my meaning." - Spiffy
"Well, I wont say we havent had our disagreemants, because we have, you know? Things never run smoothly, that seems to be the lot for this band, but everyone knows that, and we tried to sit down once a week and just go through what our problems are man. Can you believe that? We never used to that in the old days. If this were 10 years ago we would have thumb wrestled it out, or even paper, scissors, rock, but now we are older and wiser." - Spawny
REPORTER: "What do you have to say about the accusations that you are doing this for the money and nothing else? The band has well documented problems, Spawny with his alimony payments for 17 illegitamate children"
"Hey! Its 15 man, those other 2 havent proven a thing and they dont even look like me! It was all an accident man, once I started I just couldnt stop, but Ive gotten help, and any time I feel the urge, I just give Nymphomaniacs anonymous a call and they sort me out, but I wont lie to you man, some days it really is hard." - Spawny
*Laughter all around*
REPORTER: "Sorry, 15, and you Phloggy, who has a well known addiction to Lamborghinis, and in fact had to sell them to finance the recording of your failed prog opus "The History Of The Entire World Since The Beginning Of Time" 46 cd set."
"It was just before its time man, I mean, I didnt know how to end the album you know?
I stand by that album, there was some good stuff on there, particularly the stone age, but noone seems to have gotten that far into it." - Phloggy
REPORTER: "Not to mention Spiffys well publicised break up with a supermodel."
"Hey man, thats not fair, my private life is just that. Private. Man. How the hell was I supposed to know she was a lesbian? Do you know how bloody HARD it is to tell the lesbians apart from the rest of them on Ibiza?
Oh sure, now you KNOW you can say you can spot it, but at the time I was so out of it on a drinking binge. And quite frankly im getting sick and tired of the sniping and snickering ive been getting." - Spffy
*Spawny and Phloggy snicker*
"You just remember, I still have the DOLLARS unlike these 2 who squandered it, and when im in bed tonight on my pile of money with 14 women im sure I wont give a toss what any of you think, in fact I wont give a toss at all id say, its all taken care of."
*Stone cold silence*
"Anyway. Thats just a ridiculous accusation, I mean, ive never ever been about the money you know man, do you think I care that ill get another 5 million from this? Of course not. Its all about the art man, thats why I left, and thats why I came back." - Phloggy