The Maidens in THE WAVE MAGAZINE out today

Our latest magazine article...hard copy magazine located in the frisco area....I'll have to pick up a copy this weekend when I'm there for the METALLIBASH.......Alan Birdsell...they use your biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig photo of me! Thanks for being our Seattle area photographer!
Cool article Brucie!
Speaking of all female tribute bands...
How about doing an all female tribute show in Orange County?
I'd really like to see 'Whole Lotta Rosies' and 'Cheap Chick' play with you. Maybe at Hogue's or at the Coach House or the Galaxy...?
I still want to see an all-female tribute to Venom. I know that I'm asking too much, of course, but I know that the immediate reaction from the guys that are into Venom would be this: