The Manilla Road Thread


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002

Just bought on iTunes. :kickass:
Just bought the CD from some dudebro on eBay. I would have just purchased it from the band but I guess there isn't a US release for it yet? Bullshit.

I'm also blasting "Voyager" right now. Still might be my favorite of their reunion albums, mainly for the awesome concept and strange style. Gates of Fire and Spiral Castle are great too.
I like the convenience. It's Sat afternoon. Groceries are bought. Other chores done. Kicking back to TBC and feeling grand. I could have bought the cd but I'd be listening to something else now:D

Yeah the convenience is nice but i cant bring myself to spend the price of a cd on something thats digital. I like physical product and being able to hold it.
It's a band that I feel I should like but could never get into. I own Mystification and I know my band was apparently heavily inflluenced by them, but they just never caught on with me. I did enjoy them live, though. Marks a nice dude
I did a review of the album for a local magazine. If you're into what they've been doing for the last decade then you'll like it. They aren't doing anything new, but they're doing what they do best. The second CD "After The Muse", as well as a few of the tracks on the album, will be a real treat for anyone who really likes the more acoustic oriented stuff like "The Fountain" from the last album.
Awaiting an Amazon gift card in the mail which I will be using for this.
Was hard to resist digital but I will await the physical product.
Whenever I buy digital I rarely go back and purchase the physical release.
MR is one of the few bands where I need the physical release.

As far as The Fountain, it was one of my fav tunes of 2013
Fucking love the new album. As most have said, it's nothing groundbreaking or anything, but these are some of MR's best songs in recent memory and the album doesn't feel all the same like Mysterium (I swear there are 2 songs on that album that use the exact same riff). "Tomes of Clay" might be the best thing the band has done in years.