The many faces of music.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
This is my Nile face:

This is my Katatonia face:

This is my Cynic face:

This is my Kyuss face:

This is my Nirvana face:

This is my Taake face:

This is my Especially Likely Sloth Face:

This is my Sunn O))) face:
This began as a lame joke, but after about 2 pictures I realized it was an actual experiment. Especially Likely Sloth and Sunn O))) are the only that actually made me noticeably change facial expressions (there were two other ELS photos of me cracking up, and I think the Taake one only looks different because of the angle), which unequivocally proves me funny uh-oh, not funny haha. Or funny OJ, not funny AJ.
Everything comes back to Sloth. Everything.

By the way I have tons of ELS stickers, they are kinda small but make up for it in immeasurable amounts of coolness. Want me to send some with teh CD-Rzzz/?

Okay so I can only find three right now (I'm pretty sure there are more) but I'll send you at least one for penis then guitar use. Or the other way around or at the same time, whatever.

When I ordered some stuff from JWW he sent me those stickers and some strangely normal pictures, including one of Anderson drinking beer from my favorite brewery in the world (!!!). Big surprise, since the Agalloch clan and said brewery are both from Oregon. :dopey:
wtf why didn't I delete this thread already.

I only drove around naked once, my ex-girlfriend and I thought it was a good idea to get drunk and go skinny dipping at some party once. Once the reality of the fact that everyone had seen my girlfriend naked kicked in, I said FUCK THIS WE'RE GOING HOME. So we drove home naked, drunk as fuck, and two cars in front of me were pulled over while I could've easily been hauled into jail for a number of charges that night. Good times!

But yeah, good suggestion.