The Mass - Perfect Picture of Wisdom and Boldness


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
The Mass – Perfect Picture of Wisdom and Boldness
Crucial Blast Records – CBR47 – September 13th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


I stand by all my review scores, except for the 8.5 that I gave to Kataklysm’s Serenity in Fire. I plead temporary insanity in my defense. But, with The Mass’s sophomore full-length named Perfect Picture of Wisdom and Boldness, the saxophone-peddling quartet have improved greatly since City of Dis edged its way onto Crucial Blast’s roster, and the 8.5 here is a rating I’d defend against even the most ardent of would-be dissenters.

My gut reaction – followed by extensive listening – proved to be right concerning Perfect Picture of Wisdom and Boldness. Whether they reevaluated their songwriting techniques or simply became hosts for a more focused vision, I can’t say, but sleep safely knowing that The Mass have trimmed the fat, upped the seasoning, and cooked something that should draw in fans of appetizing music. Methodically speaking, the changes (or progressions) stare you in the face, and it’s near to impossible to ignore them, not that you would want to anyway. The saxophone, which wouldn’t shut up on City of Dis, is relegated to the auxiliary section here, though its interjections aren’t few and far between. The vocals have taken a dive into unclean waters, and that’s yet another change I fully condone. One can’t forget about the music itself, because this time The Mass have mixed subgenres such as thrash, math, chaos, post-rock, and various others in their search for the perfect brew. From the droopy, atypical wanderings of “Meditation on the Some Carcass” to the panicky beginning of “This is Your Final Dream,” the band litter their actual songs with as much differentiation involved in their enigmatic style. Trying to nail down these guys by way of empty descriptors is akin to lifting a grand piano by oneself. It can be done haphazardly, but is ultimately more injurious to the person doing the grunt work.

As if you couldn’t tell, Perfect Picture of Wisdom and Boldness is one of the most unique efforts I’ve had the pleasure of listening to. The Mass, observing their proclivity for scatterbrained delivery, isn’t for the everyman. However, those with explorer’s hearts will definitely want to give this a go. In stores now!


Official The Mass Website
Official Crucial Blast Records Website
This band should get as much publicity as Opeth. They are a lot more interesting and have a really unique sound. On this record, I heard stuff that reminded me of Morphine, Dillinger Escape Plan, King Crimson, Darkthrone, Black Sabbath, Mighty Bosstones and Slayer. And it never sounded like a mess. :worship:

Better than 99% of the avant-garde twaddle I hear these days...