The massacre of seal .....

Yeah I agree completely. How dare those evil, evil people make a living so they can provide for their families! Outrageous! Obviously daddy pays for all that. I also resent that they're hurting the feelings of these poor seals. Oh wait! They don't have feelings!
kazahana said:
Yeah I agree completely. How dare those evil, evil people make a living so they can provide for their families! Outrageous! Obviously daddy pays for all that. I also resent that they're hurting the feelings of these poor seals. Oh wait! They don't have feelings!
I don't think they are making a living off killing seals. They will occasionally eat the seal meat... but it isn't anything they are making a huge profit off of. They do it once a year to hinder the population growth of the seals. You also really have no idea if animals have feelings. I could never stand in front of a seal and club it to death hitting it numerous times in the head.
GRR, this issue really makes me mad. The Canadian government has done a remarkable job controlling the seal population, bringing them back from endangered status in the 60's. The sealing both provides subsistence for trappers who in many cases have been living this way for hundreds of years, and also controls the population so they don't overpopulate and starve. The celebrities who are protesting sealing know nothing of the reality, they just see cute little creatures with big eyes. I believe very much in animal rights, but you should really know the facts before you open your mouth.
Systm0fD0wn said:
That's dubious. Why should one animal deserve to live and another deserve to die? Because seals look cuter than chickens or cows? The Canadiens are killing the seals to maintain their steady production of selling fish. If they allow all of the seals to live, then the seals will then eat the fish, which then effects the Canadien people in their fish production. It's all part of a chain reaction that would effect their economy. The price of fish would rise in Canada. Like I said... if they absolutely MUST kill some seals every year then I think they must find a much more humane way in killing them. I really wish the Canadiens wouldn't kill the seals at all and just take the hit in their production of fish. I hate seeing any animal being killed.
The difference here is that farm animals like chickens and cows are grown for the sole purpose of being eaten. Seals are not grown, they multiply all by themselves and are killed out of necessity...the fact that they kill seals in a brutal way is something that I opose too but there is clearly a difference between the cases.
The Poona of Peshwa said:
GRR, this issue really makes me mad. The Canadian government has done a remarkable job controlling the seal population, bringing them back from endangered status in the 60's. The sealing both provides subsistence for trappers who in many cases have been living this way for hundreds of years, and also controls the population so they don't overpopulate and starve. The celebrities who are protesting sealing know nothing of the reality, they just see cute little creatures with big eyes. I believe very much in animal rights, but you should really know the facts before you open your mouth.

Also, dogs kill the seals in more brutal ways. But they are now domesticated and the seals multiply too rapidly. Acctually, I just made that up. Like anyone can make up something. :)
Point: Learn the facts!
paradoxile said:
The difference here is that farm animals like chickens and cows are grown for the sole purpose of being eaten. Seals are not grown, they multiply all by themselves and are killed out of necessity...the fact that they kill seals in a brutal way is something that I opose too but there is clearly a difference between the cases.
I don't see much of a difference. It is horrible in both cases. You speak as though it is fine to slaughter the farm animals only because they are raised for that puropose. I would say that is actually worse than the seal ordeal. Atleast seals get to be free... while chickens and cows live a horrible confined life and are eventually slaughtered. I'm not a vegatarian in any way... but that's only because I realize that things like that will always happen and has to happen to supply the nation with food.
Systm0fD0wn said:
I don't see much of a difference. It is horrible in both cases. You speak as though it is fine to slaughter the farm animals only because they are raised for that puropose. I would say that is actually worse than the seal ordeal. Atleast seals get to be free... while chickens and cows live a horrible confined life and are eventually slaughtered. I'm not a vegatarian in any way... but that's only because I realize that things like that will always happen and has to happen to supply the nation with food.

first of all you can't just throw a statement like that in the air without checking the facts.
in different countries there are different conditions of raising farm animals and different methods of slaughtering.
I wouldn't say cows have confined space aspecially with the arabs that keep their cows tagged but let them roam free and eat as much grass as they want.
As for chicken, think about it this way. first of all if chicken are not confined they will run away, if they are not seperarted they'll beek each other to death over food and eat their own feces.
secondly, nowdays with bird flu breaking out all over the world, the only way to stop the flu from spreading is to keep the chickens and the geese confined
"yes, and we'd see it a lot differently if we were the ones being killed off. Of all the creatures in this world, we are the ones who tilt the balance rather than restore it"

Exactly. Were earth to be invaded by a form of life, vastly more intelligent than us, that had us as subservient to them. if they saw our existence as a ancillary thing, that we were subject to their whims, most humans would be happy to be hunted for fun. I'm sure we wouldn't mind being killed for their sustenance either.

Enslaved - As Fire Swept Clean the Earth :)
sabrina said:
I'm much sensitive to problems that concern
animals womens and childrens !!!!!!
are importans problems !!!!!
I'm member of L.A.V. ( league against the vivisection )

I feel exactly the same, though I'm no part of anything.

Poor creatures!