The Masters Hand: UrinalCake Mix's band-

I saw them open for S-X last night and really loved what they did. So I figured I'd post my review here.

TJ's band was amazing. There were a few "music malfunctions" as a whole band but were recovered from nicely. I would have never guessed that TJ was as young as he was based on his playing skills alone.

(Since I don't know the names of the other guys in the band, I'm going to refer to them by instrument)

Vocalist: He had a great range and a lot of charisma. He was a great front man. The singer was always in key and he had a great ability to really work his vocals. He sounded a lot like Warrel (Nevermore). He wasn't trying to imitate him by any means, it's just that I'm not a fan of Warrels voice. For those of you who like Warrel, you'd love the singer. (Hopefully that isn't taken as a "bash" because it's not it's a matter of personal taste is all.)

Guitarist: This kid could shred! He was very fast and very precise. He has a great ability and you can really tell what he's doing. Not much more to say on that one.

Bassist: I was way too busy lusting after his hair and convincing myself he WAS at least 18. Sorry. Eh, half kidding. He was a good player really worked well with the crowd- interactions and what have you. His personality and stage presence is definitely an asset to the band.

Keys: This guy was so much fun to watch. His playing added some depth to the band that really made the music stand out in my mind. He was a ball of fire. Towards the end of the set he pulled out a keytar that made the crowd go wild. He even did dueling instruments with the bass and guitar.

I really enjoyed the impromptu jam session in the set as well as the Rush cover. Actually during the cover, I really enjoyed the lead singers voice the best. I thought that was his perfect sound.

Overall, the band was a lot of fun to watch and there is a TON of talent there. There is a little bit of fine tuning that needs to be done as a whole group- just a few minor things here and there to really solidify the sound. I' give it about a year of intense and totally focused practice sessions to really bring the band together as a whole and completely unify the sound- As the only real "complaint" I had was at times the band sounded a little distant from each other.

For those of you who know me, you know how picky I am when it comes to music. For me to review something like this, especially after only hearing a few songs once, you better believe that this band will do some serious ass kicking with in the very near future!

I'm not one to blow smoke up anyone's ass (Shit I think TJ can attest to that when we talked after his set)... If I don't like a band, i'll be the first person to tell you.

Very rarely does a band knock me off my feet like this one *almost* did. Of course, as I said, they do need a *little* bit of fine tuning as I mentioned... but nothing that a few hard practice sessions can't take care of.

So TJ- Work your asses off and keep on doing what you're doing! Pull your "center" together with in the band just ever so slightly and I promise, we'll be hearing from your band again real soon!

Wow, thanks so much for the words! We did have some minor errors, which I believe came from the monitors blaring making everyones sound unable to be deciphered, and guys not watching each other for cues whatnot. That was actually our live debut, so we were all expecting to stumble at a few points, but we were able to push through our mistakes and keep rocking. We had a great time, our next step is recording a 3-4 song demo, and hopefully get on the Edguy/Into Eternity bill there in September.

Thanks so much again for the words, and we'll make sure your ass is on the floor next time you check us out!