The Metal Chick...

The Metal Chick said:
No I did not. Because I'm tight on cash, I had to choose not to go....well also I wanted to see SymX in NJ instead... I wish I could have though, I bet it was cool.

I wished you could've, missed a hell of a show! Ah well, maybe next time.

As I Am
The Mirror (extended)
Beyond This Life (w/Zappa jam)
Hollow Years (extended)
Caught in a Web (w/extended interlude)
Endless Sacrifice
To Live Forever
A Fortune In Lies
Trial of Tears


The Glass Prison
This Dying Soul
Another Day (extended)
Stream of Consciousness
In the Name of God


A Change of Seasons


They had a KILLER light and screen show for each song...during "Stream of Consciousness" they had these ocean-like movies of waves that were just bad ass! The place was PACKED, too - they had the fire department there and everything!