
proulxski said:
same here I worked, had to make 360 pizzas in the morning and well at night I worked some more...I managed to get home in time to hand our some candy to some wittle kiddies, I also decided 2 pop in the hillariously old film Spaceballz... Good laughs guys, good laughs! At the same time I sat back and had a few shots of Vodka, all in all good night! Only funny thing that happened where this girls came to the door in their late teen's.. Before I gave em candy they asked if Iw anted them to sing a song, Than I repiled "Sure if you dance 2!" So they took the candy and left lol, me rather disapointed went back to watching spaceballs lol

Great fucking movie.
Unfortunately, my plans never went underway, hence the lack of War, Famine, Death and Pestilence. In the morning, I went to school, where it was pretty entertaining, because I heard the GhostBusters theme twice in a row.
When I got home, I went straight to my instruments, turned on Comedy Central, and just started fiddling around on my instruments for about nine hours straight. Yeah. I said fiddled.
All in all, Writer's block. Whatever.
Nay, for I knoweth not how to play thine Fidle. If I did, I would've just sat on my roof all night and said "Hey! I'm some guy on a roof, who happens to be a fiddler! Ain't that some shit!?"