The metalhead cometh!


Queen of Extreme
May 28, 2008
Greetings,minions of metal!
I'm Kristy and I only joined this forum in the past week.I've been a dedicated metalhead for years,I like everything metal,from death metal,black metal,power metal,battle metal,thrash-it's all good!
My favourite band is Opeth(I'm sure I'm not the only one listening to Watershed at the moment).As well as listening to music,I play the guitar and bass.
Heavy metal is one of two passions in my life,the other being professional wrestling(and yes,I know it's fake).
So yeah,just wanted basically to say 'hi' and thanks for having me.Looking forward to posting more...

Have you bought a ticket for the Watershed tour yet?I can't believe we have to wait until September for them to get here...I'm so impatient...but good things come to those who wait.
Have you bought a ticket for the Watershed tour yet?I can't believe we have to wait until September for them to get here...I'm so impatient...but good things come to those who wait.

Nah not yet, since I'm in Darwin I'd have to make a trip down to Sydney or wherever to see them. Of course, they'd be worth that I bet (: So I dunno.
They're not playing in Darwin?That sucks.Hope you find some way to see them.Opeth travelled all over the U.S for the prog-nation tour,you'd think they could at least visit all of our states.It's not as if we have very many of them.