The Morningside

Jun 19, 2006
I hate to break any attention away from Woods III, but I think everyone can do with some nice doom music while we wait.

Anyone ever listen to the band "The Morningside"? I just listened to their "The Wind, The Trees And The Shadows Of The Past" CD in its entirety, and it's pretty good. It reminds me of Agalloch and Anathema. Just the way the music sounds, how the guitars create an ambient sound/feeling.

Anyways, these guys are worth checking out if you like Agalloch and Anathema. It'll give you something to do while you wait for Woods III.
Hmm, looks pretty cool, I think I'll check this out, cheers.

Edit: Perfect find man, do you know of any other stuff like this? Its like a perfect mix between Morningrise Opeth (go figure with the name) and Agalloch, mainly Ashes Against the Grain. I absolutely love melodic metal with the quiet parts and... well stuff exactly like this. If you know of any other bands I should check out (besides obvious stuff like early Ulver or Empryium...and Falls of Rauros, I know of them too), let me know :kickass:
Total ripoff of Brave Murder Day and Pale Folklore, if you ask me. In fact, that review on M-A is mine. Should I post it here? Perhaps not, if the link is pretty much there. Still, while it may be a pretty potent ripoff, I did enjoy it and I will be listening to it more.

As for similar bands, I haven't found much. Here's my little list!

Fenare excellent, doing a kind of folky black metal with a bit of post-rock thrown in there.
Oakhelm are a little more viking/black, but they remind me of Falls of Rauros' faster moments. Also reminds me of Moonsorrow.
Falls of Rauros, as you mentioned, play folky black metal, most reminiscent of Ulver's Bergtatt
Ikuinen Kaamos play well produced, less atmospheric black/death/doom - more like Opeth except a bit more black metal
Ne Obliviscaris also play well produced, less atmospheric black/prog, with a violin. That said, there are amazingly awesome atmospheric parts, but the songs tend to progress in a way that isn't atmospheric per se.
Temnozor has one song that is an absolute masterpiece. From the album Folkstorm of the Azure Nights, the song Where the Lazure Skies Tear The Hearts Apart would definitely appeal to fans of this kind of music.

Plus Agalloch, Opeth, early Katatonia, Ulver's 'Bergtatt', etc. I must check out Empryium!
Totally sounds like Agalloch - somehow I can't stand if two bands sound that similar. I even prefer their demo to this
Personally, despite the fact that they sound incredibly similar to Agalloch, I still like the band because it's almost like listening to a new Agalloch song. I just hoped some people here might appreciate the music.

To each his own! :headbang:
Even though they do sound overall similar to Pale Folklore era Agalloch the overall vibe is very different for me. /shrug, I like them, think they do a decent job making quality music.
Personally, despite the fact that they sound incredibly similar to Agalloch, I still like the band because it's almost like listening to a new Agalloch song. I just hoped some people here might appreciate the music.

To each his own! :headbang:

I do. They actually sound awesome. Its great just to play, lay back on the couch and just not do anything but listen. Which is what I managed to end up doing when I listened.

I've never heard of Agalloch before, I'm checking them out now.
But if they sound like them. That would be great because I'm starting to get into this kind of music. =P
If your getting into "this kind of music" I must also highly recommend to you Wolves in the Throne Room. And the first 2 albums of Drudkh. And of course Katatonia, but you may have to let the vocalist of Karatonia grow on you. But for sure check out Wolves in the Throne Room, right after you check out Agalloch. Also an earlier post recommended Moonsorrow, I highly recommend their latest album too.
I do. They actually sound awesome. Its great just to play, lay back on the couch and just not do anything but listen. Which is what I managed to end up doing when I listened.

I've never heard of Agalloch before, I'm checking them out now.
But if they sound like them. That would be great because I'm starting to get into this kind of music. =P

Check out all that shit in my above post :headbang:
Yes, Drudkh = mega-win.

And these guys do sound very similar to Agalloch, but not THAT similar. Especially on the third and fourth track, there's much more of a post-rock, calm kinda feel, thats really not found that often in Agalloch, and if it is, its just in intros or outros, its not really a main section of the song. I dunno, I'm gonna give the album another listen today.