Smyth says:
"During my stay at the hospital, numerous blood tests were done, one of which revealed that the level of protein in my body, better known in medical terms as creatinine, was raised well beyond a normal level, 4.9. Normal is 1-2. I was advised by doctors there to see my MD as soon as I got back home, which was following our tour with OPETH in the U.S., around late November 2005.
"After several blood tests, urine tests, and ultimately, X-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans, doctors came to a few conclusions about my condition. It was revealed that I was born with one kidney, and because of a congenital birth defect, I had an obstruction on my ureter, which was causing my solitary kidney to 'eat' itself over the years, to a point where it is now 85% destroyed. Now, as of late April 2006, I am facing 'complete renal failure' within 6 months. This is called end stage renal failure, or CKD, of which I am on the edge of Stage 4-5. I have had 'stent placement' surgery, around 3 months ago, and that seemed to help things for a bit, but things haven't really changed either.