The most importants subways in the world !!!

War_Blade said:
First off Mcdonalds blows, Second off, i hardly consider subway junk food...

And lasty, stop trying to show your city off, we all know Mexico sucks balls, just cause you have a few tall building doesnt mean shit...

hahaha "we all" yeah right dude... :lol:

Mc Donalds and ALL american food suck ass!!!!, that's why americans are so fat... yuck, in here we eat healty stuff, and some other not that healthy but at least you know it won't contain dead rats like in K.F.C. :lol:

we've got pretty high buildings too :rock:
War_Blade said:
First off Mcdonalds blows, Second off, i hardly consider subway junk food...

And lasty, stop trying to show your city off, we all know Mexico sucks balls, just cause you have a few tall building doesnt mean shit...

(im kidding, dont get pissed of and start bitching)

really you wonder why you get flamed when you piss everybody off im going to go to your house and slit your throat while you sleep so we can all post with out some ugly testtube baby making stupid comments about topics that are serious.
Draznog said:
really you wonder why you get flamed when you piss everybody off im going to go to your house and slit your throat while you sleep so we can all post with out some ugly testtube baby making stupid comments about topics that are serious.

hehe that was violent, but a good reply :P
Draznog said:
really you wonder why you get flamed when you piss everybody off im going to go to your house and slit your throat while you sleep so we can all post with out some ugly testtube baby making stupid comments about topics that are serious.

ill meet you on his front porch with a baseball bat
War_Blade said:

fucking good:cool:
Oh, and now when we are talking about great city's (yea, it was a few post before), Stockholm, Sweden is a great city. I personally rather NOT live in a city, but close to a city....Stocholm pwns!
Sorry Scapel, I don't know geography at all.....simply looking on his location which said Buenos Aires, Argentina
But I do know Brazil is somewhere in Latin America, good soccer team....:p