My dad lost his hand during an accident with a wood grinder, but he still has the lower part of his palm left, and as soon as the wounds had healed, his friends designed a glove that he could mount a drumstick to.
The drumstick mount had a spring attached to it, which allowed him to control dynamics/bounce by bending his wrist.
Then his band split up, he sold his drum kit and bought a guitar instead.
Then he just heated up orthopedic plastic, wrapped it around his "palm", and stuck a pick in it while it was still hot.. and now he can play guitar just fine!
And i have a brother with Cerebral Palsy, and when we visited him after he had been at a training center, he pulled him self out of his wheelchair, set the table, opened the oven and pulled out a plate of cookies and set it on the table.. poured coffee to all of us.
We just stood there like "WTF??".. because seriously, 6 months earlier this guy almost needed help to go to the toilet.
.. I guess i have allot of inspiration in my home really.. or maybe just a really sick family!