The most un-metal mix


Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
I'm recording this weird rock band. They are pretty young, so they aren't the greatest musicians... My main problem is the electric guitar is played really sloppy, and don't really know how to hide it. This isn't final, but does anyone have any constructive criticism so far?

Eeectronic drums into s2.0

Guitar di'd through my redeye reamped through 6505and 1960b

Bass was a squier split into a track for the lows and a track just for the presence.

With electric rhythms

With only the acoustic guitars

Update Chaise/The Chaise.Song 1tonetest.mp3

Listen to that little intro, and tell me if the guitar tone is passable... These kids aren't the best guitarists, so I am pulling my hair out. They played it very weak and it sounds like it.

Gibson Les Paul Studio > Little Labs Red Eye DI > Guitar Rig (JCM 800)>Impulse (Marshall 4x12 with V30s mic'd with a royer 121 on the edge12 inches back)
It seems to be lacking a lot of low-end, and when that solo comes in, it's REALLY dominate on the right.

Seems kind of weird.

I really like the vocals though.

This band reminds me of Hootie and the Blowfish. God, I love that band. :)
Edit the DI's to sound a bit less sloppy and reamp/use ampsim.

The guitars also have way too much gain on them, it's just blurry mess. I would also try a different type of amplifier, like AC30-esquee amp that isn't hi-gain.

Also if being totally honest, either the song was not tracked to a click or then they just sway way too much. and the song would work way better with just a tad less tempo
Yah, tear it apart guys. No hurt feelings. haha Its how you learn.

I honestly suck at editing DIs. I just got OSX running and borrowed my friends logic, so if I like it I am going to get 9. Anyways, I may try to use the warp function to fix the DIs. I don't really have a good amp or amp sim for this style of music...? Any you would recommend? Any I don't know how to edit the DIs. When he tracked, he was incredibly sloppy. I can send you the DIs for you to see for yourself if there is any salvaging...

The song was recorded to a click. These guys are pretty young, and you can def hear it.

Yes, I said they reminded me of Hootie as well. There other songs are similar as well. Pretty cool doing a band with such a refreshing sound. I just wish they could play it better. lol

Edit: It lacks low end because I don't wanna push the crappy bass tone...