The Murder Junkies...

Not sure what they sound like these days but isn't G.G.'s brother Earl the "leader" of the Junkies now. I think he stepped up after G.G. bit the dust. I have some video boots of G.G. live and I can say that he was on my list of people I NEVER wanted to see live. :lol:
I guess I'll go see 'em open up for Hank III Fri. night....

I'm guessing they've toned a lot. A whole lot.
Dee Snarl said:
I guess I'll go see 'em open up for Hank III Fri. night....

I'm guessing they've toned a lot. A whole lot.

Hank III kicks major ass!!!!!
I'll have to see him everytime he blows through town...
The Murder Junkies are nothing more than an old tired
"core" band, their guitarist is fucking great, though.
The bass player looks like a fuckin' muppet, you'll see on Friday Night.
And the drummer, what a sloppy fuck! You'll see what I mean then too...
The singer(?) is the guy from Clutch I'm told...
They were alright, average at best. They played way too long...