The Neologist - Album Review, Tips Please


Apr 3, 2009
We've finally approached completion for our debut album, and I wanted to post a few tracks here to get some feedback. There are only two of us in the band, and this is far from a get us rich and famous project, but we still want to get the best sound we can.

While it's too late for changes on these songs, I'd love to get some improvement tips as I will begin work on our next album come January. All advice will be well received and much appreciated. To begin, i know the drum sound was a little weak, but I recently purchased steven slate drums and will begin experimenting with those. 4 songs posted...listen to 1, listen to all...anything is appreciated!! Masters Done Forever/Cyclical Timing.mp3 Masters Done Forever/Dead Winter Inside.mp3 Masters Done Forever/Number 55.mp3 Place Where The Dead Don't Bother Me.mp3
checking out Cyclical Timing right now ...

sounds pretty damn good to me. The drums are a little thin sounding but they sound very good ... cut through nice. Lead could use a little bump in voulume but overall the balance of everything is pretty nice. Maybe just a touch more bass.

I know you said its too late for changes to these songs in particular but just letting you know what I hear in this song as a reference point for when you start working on something else.

Nice job man

BTW - this should probably be in the Rate My Mix section ;)
Thanks to you both! I'm pleased to hear this is a good start. That's reassurring considering the time put into this.

I was torn on where to put this...on one hand I was looking for production tips,..on the other I wanted my mixes listened to to determine what production tips haha. Is this something I can move or do the moderators need to kick this shit outta here and over to the mixing forum?
just let it sit where its at .. you can't move it anyway. If anyone feels it should be moved, they'll take care of it. Its also why I said "probably" cause to be honest, there's too much of a grey area with some questions/topics. I guess a safe way of knowing if its a "production tip" or a "rate my mix" is if you're posting a full song for someone to check, probably best in the rate my mix section. If you're looking for something dealing with more individual elements ie - shaping bass, pulling mud from guitars, etc ... it would go in this section

That's how I've approached it ;)

anyway, again, very nice job!