Revamped my sound "Distance" (Soilwork Cover)


Apr 3, 2009
So I've spent the better part of the last few weeks tweaking...and then tweaking the tweaks...and after that tweaking some more.

I've completely redone my guitar tone...drums...just about everything. It's been all I've heard all week so I wanted to get some outside takes. I posted the song on our facebook and from the little feedback I got its all been good, but one post mentions it sounds thinner than our older let me know your thoughts.

Go back to the drawing board....or rock on?!!? Masters/Distance (Soilwork Cover) Master New.mp3
Rock On Brother Guitars sound Great :)
people need to keep in mind that once vocals are added the overall mix will change

imagine a canvas of the mona lisa without lisa

Will be interesting to hear your final mate:)
awesome guys, thanks. Good thoughts on both drums and that's re-assuring.

I was pretty happy with what I came up with, and personally thought it blew my old stuff the "thinner" comment knocked me back down to earth. I try to evolve from album to album, so I think I'm on to something for our next one.

Thanks again
I really like the mix. Could you share the details? What did you use for the guitar tone and drums? How'd you do the vocals?
thanks's a quick overview

Eleven rack w/ expansion pack
M-2 Lead Amp model w/ 4x12 classic 30 cab
Black Op distortion
(2) parametric eqs

Steve Slate 4.0
Hybrid kit I created, includes kick 5 SSD and kick 10 NRG blended, snare 11a SSD and snare 10 SSD blended

REcorded with Shure SM7B mic.
Screams have De-es -> EQ-> compressor, then sent to common bus with TLS saturated driver -> EQ -> Verb
Clean have (2) background tracks panned wide, compressed, filtered w/ EQ and heavy reverb then (2) main tracks panned closer with compress, EQ then sent to a bus with slight verb and delay
Love this song. Your clean vocals are quite good. Good work man. Only thing I can point my finger is the low end. I cant feel the bass.