The new COB cover song: Rebel Yell


Sith happens
Nov 15, 2001
Check for more information. Isn't Rebel Yell almost a pop song? At least no real Metal, but that doesn't matter. I'd really like to know how this cover sounds...
Yeah it is kind of like a pop song but I mean Norther did Smash by Offspring so I bet it's gonna come out amazing, what CoB song isn't?
ShadowOfFire said:
Yeah it is kind of like a pop song but I mean Norther did Smash by Offspring so I bet it's gonna come out amazing, what CoB song isn't?

Sure, no doubt about that. COB will bring their own unique style of coolness into that song which only they can do. By the way, there is also another Finnish band which covered this song in the past: HIM.
in fact, covering a nu metal song is cool cuz you can turn it into something cool. there is no use of covering a song like they usually do. i think it'sa good idea
rebel yell must sound fuckin´ great if cob play it. i like billy idol and this song is one of his best. i´ve got all cd´s of billy idol. it´s not metal. i think, it´s a mixture of punk and pop...
A punkish song again? Wow, COB really start to turn into a punk band. First the Ramones cover, then the Klamydia one now this one (ok, no pure punk) and Alexi said in an interview that he really would like to do a cover of the Sex Pistols.
i don´t hope that they turn into a punk band, but rebel yell is a really great song. that´s my oppinion...let´s see...
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Norther did Smash? What? Damn, I gotta hear that.

It's up for download at their site,
It's a killer cover!