The new Dimmu Borgir has boobs on it

fyi, there were also boobs on puritanical...

And in the video for Death cult armaggedon. Who cares about the cover anyway, Baphomet and Dimmu are both seen satanic by the church, so good album cover choice imo. I for one do like Dimmu as weve all heared before some time ago (dont get it started again bloodland) so.. hi
And, most important, 3 WORDS AGAIN :D. These guys must use some sort of "make-me-a-cool-cvlt-name-with-three-cool-cvlt-words-in-it" generator.
^It's true, there is an actual Dimmu Borgir song title gen on the net, I forgot where it its hosted though.
If i´m not wrong is not that they put boobies on baphomet is that baphomet has boobies as it´s a woman(goat) the opposite would have been wrong..
however,i´m surprised about the lack of originality in loads of covers, so much money invested on production and so much wasted on covers...unbelievable..however,I´m waiting for the new album and new gigs...
Those boobs still dont turn me on though.. i look at the boobs and a slight tintle is being noticed but just before i get all, well, you know, i accidentally take a slight peek up and see a goat with a pentagram.. :erk:
I wonder who made up that goat thingy and the theory behind it anyway? I still can't picture goats being evil. The most "evil" thing they do is chew your clothes.

I think it have to do with their hoofs. this is my own opinion and im surely wrong. I think its linked with the god Pan, Pan behing the god of nearly overall, Nature. When christianism installed itself it might have evilized the shape of Pan with his horn and hoofs as behing the devil itself. And since in pagan time it was comon for people to go dance in the forest at night to celebrate that god, girls that were seen dancing in the forest were considered being sorceress for celebrating with the devil.... It makes me think of something Tyra or Runesinger said earlier in <Mythology and all that goes with it> thread. (cant find the exact citation, its such a big post ><) but rougly it gives : what a better way for christianity to rule over a pagan society than to make them belive their gods will die (Ragnarok being rewriten by monk to have the gods die)...

just my opinion..