The New Halford cd


Super Zombie
Dec 16, 2001
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I was reading the thread on the new In Flames cd and listening to the new Halford cd I bought just a bit ago, and a question struck me:
What do you guys think of the new Halford release: Crucible?
lol I have an article where they ask all the guys what they are currently listening to...Halfor said Emperor, the fat guitar player said Immortal, an dthe other guitar player said Marduk...grrrr I hate when cock rock metalers think theya re cool cuz they listen to black metal.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
lol I have an article where they ask all the guys what they are currently listening to...Halfor said Emperor, the fat guitar player said Immortal, an dthe other guitar player said Marduk...grrrr I hate when cock rock metalers think theya re cool cuz they listen to black metal.

Well, it's a long time ago that I heard Halford said he just loved
coming home, but on Emperor and porn... then masturbate.
I thoought maybe he'd step it up with his whole "love for metal" thing. I mean I loved Priest, and he seemed to really enjoy what he did with them, so I kind of expected something better than this....
Although I suppose his work with Hate should have tipped me off.
Originally posted by Lordenlil

Well, it's a long time ago that I heard Halford said he just loved
coming home, but on Emperor and porn... then masturbate.

:err: ummmmm why does thats ound like my life? lol jk, seriosuly I dont nee dthat mental picture, especially of the type of porn he wanks too....:eek:
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow

:err: ummmmm why does thats ound like my life? lol jk, seriosuly I dont nee dthat mental picture, especially of the type of porn he wanks too....:eek:

You obviously needed the whole story... now go wank to Emperor :grin: