the new issue of adbusters is really good

this whole thread
is over my head

i'd rather read adbusters than maxim. also, i dont see myself making a magazine regularly anymore ( i used to ) so i can't really be like 'u guyz suck!' because i'm lazy and apathetic and stupid about my own shit. sure they're not perfect but the images are neat and reading it, i know at least for me, sort of reminds me about what i really care about and makes me think a little bit harder that day than i might have otherwise.
they airbrush their pictures so much that sometimes they literally cut off inches of people's thighs and stuff. it gave me the creeps. ever since that i literally get scared when i find out a guy i know reads it.
oh prep, I know - it really is weird and so unnatural looking. Anyhow, my main point is that at least the writing is decent. The writing in Maxim is so unbelievably bad, I'm always surprised when I find out people I know read it.
i dont read the new yorker much. i think i'm not high brow enough, seriously! i don't get it most of the time. i have no idea what they're talking about.
actually, i highly disagree, josh. I think Maxim is harmlessly bad, but Cosmo is the worst, most evil magazine I've ever seen. both are repetition of a formula, but Cosmo's formula is like Snow Crash's linguistic virus: utterly malignant.

i can elaborate if necessary, but you should all agree with me anyway.
i literally read new yorker and i am like 'this is rich people shit', i mean, i understand semantically what they're saying... but the topics always elude me. like, theater? wtf?
yeah maxim has a much better (or has A) sense of humor. They send me maxim for free for some reason and I definitly enjoy certain sections. but men are better than women anyway, so it stands to reason a men's version of the magazine would be better!
dude...last week's New Yorker included:

* A piece about Havel's exit from the presidency of the Czech Republic and how leftist-artist-intellectuals are the saviors of democracy in Eastern Europe.

* Italo Calvino writing about Mussolini's use of images of himself and portraits

* A legal take on capital punishment

* The rebuilding of Lower Manhattan

granted, there was also a ballet article, but the previous week's ballet article was about ballet SHOES, and how they are individually made, and the controversy between traditionalists who like handmade shoes and the newschool who likes polymer shoes. i don't know shit about ballet, but that article was damn interesting.
dude i get maxim for free too! i haven't even cracked an issue in literally over a year, but two of my roommates read it so I don't bother cancelling. how does that happen?

maxim is pretty unserious about their shit, but cosmo sure as fuck isn't. they aren't two sides of the same coin (man/woman), anyway...specious analogy, I think. GOD, I HATE COSMO!