The new look


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
Visit site
I must be the only one viewing these pages with Mozilla because I've seen no other compaints. With Mozilla 1.5, the text is the same color as the background and therefore not visible. I have to highlight the text to read it.
Thanks Fiddler!

Yippee, I had someone else look who is running Mozilla 1.5 and they see if perfectly fine. Areyou using 1.5.x ? If so give me the exact version so I can further look into this. Moz. 1.6 displays fine as well.
The site should definitely not "not" load. Even if there's a ton of traffic I have plenty of space. What browser do you use? Do you have Flash enabled?

Thanks Dubya see you down there indeed! Thanks for the pics links too!
I'm using the newest IE, and i have flash and all that enabled. Actually I checked with a few people here on campus, and its not working for them either, so i dont know it could be that this school is screwed up.


Yeah, its not working for anyone here on the school network, but its working for everyone else that i know who's not on campus. So, probably not your fault, i'll just have to cry myself to sleep until it starts working. Just thought I'd note that the old ProgPowerUSA site loaded,, progpower europe site and 'progpower online' all still load, it just seems to be the new usa site that doesnt work. :erk: :ill: :confused:
I have the same problem with the site as Yippee when I try loading it on aol's browser. Using IE it looks awesome but with aol the text is black, the background is black and the whole page is justified left instead of centered. None of the grey images load and all the links are text not images.

Yes I have been getting alot of double takes on my name in the last year or so as the comedian is getting bigger (especially on Colin Quinn's tough crowd) As for Operatika you probably saw them open for Nightwish or Helloween. I only joined the band about a month ago and things are going really well. The band and people who come to see us rehearse keep telling me how much better I fit with the band then the last guy. Our next show (my first with them) is MArch 28 at The Chance opening for Yngwie and Lynch Mob
To the webmaster:

I contacted the IT guy at my school, and he sais: "It appeared there was a translation issue on our firewalls" he is apparently working on it, so I have no idea. Just thought i'd update you.